Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I'm 30, how far did I get on The List?

I'll write up a longer post later on reflecting on this past year, but it's my 30th birthday so I feel obligated to post how far I got. I'm happy to have completed exactly half.


  1. 50 mile ultramarathon
  2. Milk a cow
  3. Visit top 10 things in Nebraska
  4. GoRuck Challenge
  5. Try out 12 new churches (I changed this to "find a good spiritual practice")
  6. Sensory deprivation chamber
  7. 150# bench press
  8. 200# squat
  9. Take a survival course 
  10. Hit 30 states visited (must have at least driven through them) and make map
  11. Smile more
  12. Spend $75 per person on a meal for me and Angie (turned this into "spend as much as possible")
  13. Grow a beard
  14. Take a cooking class
  15. Catch up with 1 friend every month that I haven't talked to in 1+ years


  1. Volunteer 100 hours - that's a lot of time
  2. Climb a 14er - tried and failed
  3. 4-pack abs - too much cake
  4. Lift Angie overhead - I hate Travis
  5. 250# deadlift - boy howdy I'm weak
  6. Build a simple orrery - boy howdy I'm lazy
  7. 60 push-ups - this is hard
  8. Hot air balloon ride - cost to me caring ratio is too high
  9. Skydiving - cost to me caring ratio is too high
  10. Visit a psychic - did you know psychics cost $100 for 30 minutes?
  11. Learn to lucid dream - uhhh, lazy?
  12. Artist's way for a month - gave up after 4 days. Took too much time
  13. Not available publicly (NAP) - didn't care
  14. NAP - didn't care
  15. NAP - didn't care

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